Column: Goodbye to Glenn Haege

Paul W. Smith

“Outta’ My Mind on a Monday Moanin’ ”

Aboard Delta Flight 87 (Frankfurt to Detroit) on our way back from the Frankfurt International Auto Show.

■Although there was a lot of talk about who wasn’t displaying at the show (nine major brands, including most of our own) there still was a lot going on with the more than 50 who did show up. The show is so big, regardless of the manufacturers who show up or those that chose to pass this time, there is always almost too much to see.

Though the show may not have been electric in some minds, electricity was clearly in the air, and, primary in the plans of seemingly everyone in Europe, including those that just a year or two ago felt the brakes would be applied to the speeding inevitability of all electric transportation. Buckle up for the fast, albeit quiet ride ahead.

■While I was away, I received the very sad news that America’s Handyman, our Handyman, Glenn Haege had lost his brave battle with cancer. Whether through his Detroit News columns, many books, home show appearances or his long running “Handyman Show” on WJR, chances are, you too were helped out of a household bind through his incredible knowledge and limitless contacts who could help you fix the seemingly unfixable. Glenn’s long time producer, Rob David, the man behind the “clear and concise, how to advice” reminded me of many “Glenn-isms.” My two favorites, “The most important tool in your toolbox is your checkbook,” and, when it comes to water in the basement, “Water always wins.”

Glenn Haege may have left us at 70, but he, and his helpful advice, will long be remembered and used. And that would have made Glenn happy.

Paul W. Smith is host of The Paul W. Smith Show on WJR-AM (760) from 5:30-9 a.m. Monday-Friday.